Bus timetables
Files was updated 01 November 2021
In Amalfi-Salerno line, there is about 13 trips, from sunrise at 5:15 am and until 9:00 pm. In the opposite direction, the last bus will return to Amalfi at 9:30 pm.
Daily buses from Amalfi to Naples will depart at dawn around 6 a.m. Buses to Ravello and Scala, from 6:00 am to 9:00 am.
Amalfi → Conca → Praiano → Positano → Colli San Pietro → Meta → San Agnello → Colli Fontanelle → Sant’ Agata → Priora → Sorrento → Piano di Sorrento
How to buy bus tickets
Вы можете купить билеты перед тем как сесть в автобус. Это можно сделать либо в магазине с газетами на Вокзале либо в любом Табаччи (Магазин с буквой «Т»)
При входе в автобус билет надо проштамповать. А если у вас электронный билет, его надо активировать в приложении

Ferries timetables
(currently stopped)
Regular ferries will be stared from 3 may 2021
All ferries to Amalfi from most popular towns
In Amalfi-Salerno line, there is about 13 trips, from sunrise at 5:15 am and until 9:00 pm. In the opposite direction, the last bus will return to Amalfi at 9:30 pm.
Daily buses from Amalfi to Naples will depart at dawn around 6 a.m. Buses to Ravello and Scala, from 6:00 am to 9:00 am.